Oct 02 2009

Camp Fitch was a Blast

Category: daughtersadmin @ 4:13 pm

On Friday October 2nd to Sunday October 4th the Princesses headed to Camp Fitch near Erie Pennsylvania.  There we did all tried their 4 different ranges: Archery, BB’s, 22’s and Paintball.  We also got to climb up their huge Rock Tower.  There were also boating and candlemaking which is always fun.  Most of us caught the Hayride to Peggy Gray’s Candy Shop where if the girls were lucky the dads gave them plenty of money to buy all kinds of treats.  Later in the evening we held our Torch Parade, Bon Fire Ceremony and Story.  We all had fun hanging about the different lodges and sleeping on the Bunk Beds.  Thanks to the Foxes for supplying the pallets for the Bon Fire.